Welcome Community Leaders!

The CSCI offers a wide array of tools and resources to help communities across the country advance their climate resilience efforts.

This page highlights the elements likely to be of greatest interest to those who work in local, regional or Tribal government, or with a community-based organization.

Featured Resources

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Funding: CSCI provides grants to support the development and implementation of community-based climate resilience plans and projects. The initiative invites applications on a cyclical basis, and awards grants through a competitive process, prioritizing communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Community leaders are encouraged to note the need for a community-based organization and government partner to apply together with a climate adaptation and resilience professional.

A magnifying glass over a rolodex card

Registry of Climate Adaptation and Resilience Professionals: CSCI is developing a searchable database to help community leaders connect with organizations that offer climate adaptation and resilience services. At this time, community leaders who are interested in being paired with a qualified practitioner in order to apply for a grant should complete the “sign-up” form linked below, and initiative staff will respond with a list of candidates. Starting next year, any and all community leaders, regardless of their interest in applying for a grant, will be able to conduct their own searches of the Registry.

Additional Resources

The CSCI also offers the following resources that can help community leaders advance local and regional climate resilience efforts.

  • Training and Workforce Development, including opportunities for community leaders to learn about systematic approaches to building resilience, with an emphasis on understanding and applying the Steps to Resilience framework.
  • Adaptation Help Desk, where community leaders can search though a set of frequently asked questions, or submit their own request and receive expert advice.
  • Adaption Options Database (Coming Soon!), where community leaders can find actions that others have used successfully to build climate resilience.

Keep in Touch!

To learn about new tools and resources, including and beyond the grant opportunities, please join the CSCI mailing list and follow the initiative on LinkedIn.